Drawing flowers can be considered a nascent stage while learning the art of drawing. Here are some easy instructions on how to draw flowers for beginners. Take a look.
Learning to draw an object is one of the most wonderful experiences. Whether you are a kid or an adult, drawing is a very satisfying hobby. There are many things or objects that a person can draw, but flowers are one thing that everyone is keen to draw. There are many varieties of flowers, and some of them are simple to draw while others are more complex. Learning to draw flowers is not difficult, provided you know the tricks, and are willing to practice to reach perfection.
Instructions for Beginners
Before you start to draw flowers, it is important for you to first observe the different flowers. Look at the flowers like dahlias, roses, pansies, orchids, and tulips, and observe the petals. Look at the different shapes of the flowers and their leaves. Once you know about these details, you can proceed towards drawing flowers. For sketching flowers, you will need some good graphite pencil in different grades, like, HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B along with a good quality eraser and drawing paper. Once you have all these drawing materials with you, you can start sketching your drawing.
Drawing a Daisy Flower
One of the simplest flowers to draw is the daisy. To know how to draw a daisy, just follow the instructions given below.
► First, sketch a circle in the middle of your page and draw a line from the bottom half of the circle.

► Now, draw a small oval shape at the middle of the circle. This will be the center of the daisy flower.

► Draw 2 or 3 short lines from the central line for the leaves.

► To draw the petals, start sketching small oval shaped curves from the center, touching the main circle.

► Draw U shaped curves for the leaves, keeping the short lines as the center of the leaves.

► Sketch the ends of the petals in such a way that the curves look softer and rounder.

► Sketch some small dots on the central oval to make the center of the daisy prominent.

► Draw some small radiating lines from the central spine of the leaves to give it a more finished look.

► Shade the petals with a soft 4B pencil to give it some depth.

► Darken the edges of one side of the leaves and the stem, and your daisy flower drawing is done.

How to Draw a Rose
Learning to draw flowers is incomplete, if you don’t learn how to draw a rose. Given below are the step by step instructions for drawing a rose.
► First, draw 2 lines that cross each other at the lower half. Don’t draw the lines very straight. Wavy and slightly curvy lines are what you shall be aiming for.

► Now, very lightly, sketch 2 circles where the lines are starting. The 2 circles need not be perfect.

► Draw some random curved lines inside the circle to represent the petals of the rose. Make sure that you sketch these curves from both sides, so that they overlap each other, and give a balanced look.

► Sketch 2 more lines near the first 2 lines to represent the stem.

► Draw some U-shaped curves starting from the bottom of the stem to create the leaves. Make sure that the dimensions of the leaves are smaller than the petals.

► Make the outline of the leaves more jagged to give them a realistic look, and draw some short lines from the central spine of the leaves.
► Make the edges of the petals softer and rounder by using the 4B pencil. Draw some short, curved lines to create small thorns at the stem.

► Shade the edges of the petals and leaves in short straight lines. Now, shade one side of the stem of the rose and you are done!

All these steps are very easy to follow, and if you proceed according to the sequence given, then you are sure to have a realistic looking picture of flowers. If you are not able to get it right the first time, don’t be disappointed. Just practice more, and you will be able to draw them.