Green is a beautiful color with many different shades like lime green, olive green, pistachio, pine green and so many more. Check out the different shades of this eye-pleasing and peaceful color in this ArtHearty article.
Did You Know?
The color green is very calming and uplifting. The best example of green’s soothing qualities is London’s Blackfriars Bridge. When it was painted green, suicide rates, by jumping from the bridge, dropped by34%!
Do you know which color ranks second in the most favorite colors list? Yes, it’s green! The first place is occupied by blue. Green is the color associated with prosperity, abundance, revival, balance, harmony, as well as envy. This color of nature is extremely soothing to the eye, and alleviates depression, nervousness, and anxiety. It is also the color of safety and fertility.
Just like the various qualities associated with it, the color green has myriad hues. This ArtHearty write-up brings a detailed list of different shades of green, along with their HEX code, RGB, and CMYK values.
1. Apple Green
This fresh color resembles the outer skin of green apples. Its first recorded use in English was as early as 1648.
HEX: #8DB600
RGB: 141 182 0
CMYK: 23 0 100 29
2. Artichoke
It is the color of raw artichoke. First recorded use in English was in 1905.
HEX: #8F9779
RGB: 143 151 121
CMYK: 5 0 20 41
3. Asparagus
The first recorded use of Asparagus was in the year 1805, but it was created by Crayola in 1993.
HEX: #87A96B
RGB: 135 169 107
CMYK: 20 0 37 34
4. Avocado
Avocado is a dark-yellowish green, which gets its name from the outer surface of an avocado.
HEX: #568203
RGB: 86 130 3
CMYK: 34 0 98 49
5. Bright Green
This bright shade of green lies between chartreuse and harlequin on the color wheel.
HEX: #66FF00
RGB: 102 255 0
CMYK: 60 0 100 0
6. Cal Poly Pomona Green
Along with gold, it is the official color of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
HEX: #1E4D2B
RGB: 30 77 43
CMYK: 100 0 83 47
7. Dark Green
Dark green is an intense, dark, and rich shade of green.
HEX: #013220
RGB: 1 50 32
CMYK: 98 0 36 80
8. Dark Olive Green
It is similar to the color olive, except that it is a little darker.
HEX: #556B2F
RGB: 85 107 47
CMYK: 20 0 56 58
9. Dark Pastel Green
This is a pastel shade of green, with slightly darker hues.
HEX: #03C03C
RGB: 3 192 60
CMYK: 98, 0, 69, 25
10. Dartmouth Green
It is the official color of Dartmouth College, and the athletic team Dartmouth Big Green.
HEX: #00703C
RGB: 0 122 60
CMYK: 100 0 91 42
11. Emerald
Emerald is a very attractive shade of green with a bluish tint. It resembles the color of emerald gemstone.
HEX: #50C878
RGB: 80, 200, 120
CMYK: 60, 0, 40, 22
12. Fern
Crayola crayon of fern shade was first made in 1998. It was first used in English in 1926.
HEX: #71BC78
RGB: 113, 188, 120
CMYK: 40, 0, 26, 36
13. Football Field Green
HEX: #607242
RGB: 96, 114, 66
CMYK: 50, 0, 50, 2
14. Forest Green
Forest green resembles the green of trees and other plants.
HEX: #228B22
RGB: 34, 139, 34
CMYK: 83, 21, 100, 8
15. Green
Green color lies exactly between yellow and blue. It is created by mixing yellow and blue. It is a bright color.
HEX: #008000
RGB: 0, 128, 0
CMYK: 100, 0, 100, 50
16. Harlequin
Harlequin is a bright shade of green. It lies exactly between green and yellow green in the color wheel.
HEX: #3FFF00
RGB: 63 255 0
CMYK: 59 0 100 0
17. Hooker’s Green
It was first created as a special pigment for leaves by botanical artist William Hooker.
HEX: #49796B
RGB: 73 121 107
CMYK: 73 36 59 15
18. Hunter Green
It is called hunter green, as hunters wore this shade of green in the 19th century. It is also one of the two official colors of Ohio University.
HEX: #355E3B
RGB: 53 94 59
CMYK: 23 0 100 29
19. India Green
It is the green of the lower band of the national flag of India.
HEX: #138808
RGB: 141 182 0
CMYK: 23 0 100 29
20. Islamic Green
It is the green of the flag of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
HEX: #009900
RGB: 0, 153, 0
CMYK: 82, 6, 100, 1
21. Jungle Green
A rich shade of spring green, it resembles the green of the forest. It was first formulated as a Crayola color in 1990.
HEX: #29AB87
RGB: 41 171 135
CMYK: 76 0 21 33
22. Kelly Green
Kelly is actually an American surname. It is a very popular color in America and was first recorded in English language in 1917.
HEX: #4CBB17
RGB: 76, 187, 23
CMYK: 59, 0, 88, 27
23. Laurel Green
Laurel green is a lighter shade of asparagus. It was first used in English in the year 1705.
RGB: 169, 186, 157
CMYK: 9, 0, 16, 27
24. Lawn Green
Resembling the color of a lawn, it is a bright tint of chartreuse green.
HEX: #7CFC00
RGB: 124, 252, 0
CMYK: 49, 0, 100, 0
25. Light Green
HEX: #90EE90
RGB: 144, 238, 144
CMYK: 40, 0, 40, 7
26. Lime
It is a yellowish shade of green, which resembles the color of limes.
RGB: 191, 255, 0
CMYK: 25, 0, 100, 0
27. Lime Green
It is bright shade of green, resembling the color of limes.
HEX: #32CD32
RGB: 50, 205, 50
CMYK: 70, 0, 100, 0
28. Mantis
Mantis color resembles the color of a praying mantis.
HEX: #74C365
RGB: 116, 195, 101
CMYK: 41, 0, 48, 24
29. Mint Leaf
Mint leaf represents the color of mint leaves.
HEX: #3EB489
RGB: 62, 180, 137
CMYK: 66, 0, 24, 29
30. Moss Green
This green resembles the color of moss, hence the name.
HEX: #8A9A5B
RGB: 138, 154, 91
CMYK: 10, 0, 41, 40
31. Myrtle Green
Myrtle green gets its name from myrtle leaves. It is a bluish green shade.
HEX: #317873
RGB: 49, 120, 115
CMYK: 59, 0, 4, 53
32. Olive
Olive is the color of unripe green olives. It is a slightly dark color with yellowish tints.
HEX: #008000
RGB: 128, 128, 0
CMYK: 0, 0, 100, 50
33. Olive Drab
It is a dull shade of green used in military uniforms in many countries. During the Second World War, the U.S. Army used it to camouflage their equipment and uniform.
HEX: #6B8E23
RGB: 107, 142, 35
CMYK: 25, 0, 75, 44
34. Pakistan Green
Pakistan green is the green background of the national flag of Pakistan.
HEX: #006600
RGB: 0, 102, 0
CMYK: 88, 34, 100, 28
35. Paris Green
Paris green is a toxic inorganic pigment, used as a color pigment, insecticide, and fungicide. It is also used as a blue colorant in fireworks.
HEX: #50C878
RGB: 80, 200, 120
CMYK: 60, 0, 40, 22
36. Pear
As the name suggests, this color resembles the outer surface of a pear.
HEX: #D1E231
RGB: 209, 226, 49
CMYK: 8, 0, 78, 11
37. Persian Green
A very popular color in Iran, it is used in pottery and carpets. Another shade similar to it is Persian blue.
HEX: #00A693
RGB: 0, 166, 147
CMYK: 80, 0, 22, 0
38. Phthalo Green
Also called Phthalocyanine green, it is a synthetic color. It is used in oil and acrylic paints.
RGB: 18, 53, 36
CMYK: 82, 51, 80, 64
39. Pigment Green
Pigment green is obtained by mixing cyan and yellow in equal parts. It is used in printing.
HEX: #00A550
RGB: 00, 165, 80
CMYK: 00, 165, 80
40. Pine Green
Pine green resembles the pine trees, and is a darker shade of spring green. It is also called crocodile green, and is a Crayola color since 1949.
HEX: #01796F
RGB: 1, 121, 111
CMYK: 99, 0, 8, 53
41. Pistachio
Pistachio color resembles pistachio ice cream, pudding, and also the interior of the pistachio nut.
HEX: #93C572
RGB: 147, 197, 114
CMYK: 25, 0, 42, 23
42. Rifle Green
Rifle green gets its name from the rifle regiments, whose uniform was this shade of green. It helped them to camouflage properly in the trees.
HEX: #444C38
RGB: 68, 76, 56
CMYK: 11, 0, 26, 70
43. Russian Green
The Imperial Russian Army regiments wore this color till 1914, hence the name.
HEX: #679267
RGB: 103, 146, 103
CMYK: 30, 0, 30, 43
RGB: 154 205 50
44. Sea Green
HEX: #2E8B57
RGB: 46, 139, 87
CMYK: 81, 21, 83, 7
45. Shamrock Green
Shamrock green is also called Irish green. It is compulsory to wear this color on St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and United States.
HEX: #009E60
RGB: 0, 158, 96
CMYK: 100, 0, 86, 3
46.Spring Bud
Also called soft spring green, spring bud is associated with new vegetation and life.
HEX: #A7FC00
RGB: 167, 252, 0
CMYK: 20, 0, 80, 0
47. Spring Green / Zekes Color
Spring green is one of the tertiary colors on the RGB color wheel. It has different shades, and lies exactly between cyan and green on the color wheel.
HEX: #00FF7F
RGB: 0, 255, 127
CMYK: 59, 0, 63, 0
48. Teal
HEX: #008080
RGB: 0, 128, 128
CMYK: 86, 31, 48, 8
49. Viridian
HEX: #40826D
RGB: 64, 130, 109
CMYK: 76, 30, 63, 11
50. Yellow-Green
Yellow-green became an official Crayola color in 1949. It is an eye-catching lighter tint of chartreuse.