The work of graffiti artists is greatly appreciated, even though most of them seek to remain anonymous. Discover more about some celebrated graffiti artists and their work.
Graffiti as an art form has existed for several centuries now, with evidence dating back to the Stone Age. Of course, over the years it has evolved tremendously. While for several decades (and in some cases even now) graffiti was viewed as form of vandalism, today it is considered an art style with specific features, standards, and characteristics. It is more accessible, is used to spread a message, and can genuinely create beauty in surroundings that spell despair.
There are several graffiti artists out there who have left their mark and created works of art that have stirred people into action and got them talking. These artists are the modern-day Michelangelos and Da Vincis.
*The artists have been listed in alphabetical order only. This list is a subjective preference.
Born as: Unknown
Originally from: Bristol, England
Some of his most famous works include the Naked Man which is created on the wall of a sexual health clinic in Bristol, and his recreation of an image from Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, wherein John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson are holding bananas instead of guns.
Born as: Xavier Prou
Originally from: Paris, France
His works often feature people who are alone than groups in chaos. Blek’s work depicting the homeless, which he began in 2006, became extremely popular. When he began stenciling, he painted rats on walls, describing them as the “only free animals in the city… they spread plague everywhere, just like street art.”
Born as: Christian Guémy
Originally from: Paris, France
He often features his daughter Nina, who is also a stencil artist, in his work. He does commercial work on wood and canvas for several art galleries.
Born as: Donald Joseph White
Originally from: New York City, USA
One of his most famous works was the Children of the Grave series which was create on three whole cars of the New York city subway system. He was the first graffiti artist ever to have a show alone.
Born as: Sandra Fabara
Originally from: New York City, USA
Much of her work is easily identifiable by the vivid use of color. A lot of her work is primarily composed of murals and graffiti on canvases. Much of her recent work includes integration of other graffiti tags, which is a style that is unique, individualistic, and a salute to artists who have influenced her.
Born as: Lonny Wood
Originally from: New York City, USA
In time, his work became more complex with abstraction becoming more and more integral to his style of calligraphy. He also shifted from his earlier softer work to creating alphabets that were harder, sharper and more geometric.
Born as: Demetrius
Originally from: New York City, USA
When interviewed recently, he said, “We did it because there was nothing else to do, and it was easy to do it. We were just killing time…I think a lot of what the graffiti movement spawned, early on, was just vandalism and defacement. But later on real artists started doing it, and it did become a true art form.”
Born as: Andrew Witten
Originally from: New York City, USA
One of the recognizable traits in his work is the use of contrast in the edges of the alphabets that he created.
Call them artists or writers, these people have changed the way we look at the few strokes of paint and the alphabets that completely change a wall or a bridge. There are many other famous graffiti artists, other than the ones mentioned in this list, who have created beauty where you could previously find none. And that is their greatest gift to us.